Safe and Secure Shopping
What kind of payments do you accept at Bengalsouk?
I want to change my payment method. Can I do that?
I need to know the status of my payment. Where do I see if the payment is a success or fail?
What happened to my order if I don’t pay by the deadline? Will it get cancelled?
I already made the payment yet my order status is not changing. Why?
Can I know what credit/debit card can be used for payment on Bengalsouk?
I can’t use my credit/debit card to checkout. Why?
This situation might occur due to the following reasons:
The payment amount exceeds your spending limit.
One of the most straightforward reasons your credit card could have been declined is because you’ve reached the credit limit on the card that was set by your card issuer.
Credit card companies have become astute at recognizing fraudulent purchases made with your card. Often, they’re able to detect foul charge before you can and your bank might mistakenly label authorized charge. The bank will temporarily hold the card when this happened.
This often happens when you enter an incorrect PIN at an ATM more than a few times.
Again, credit card companies have become very proficient at picking up on potential identity theft, so if there’s a possibility that your card could have been exposed to a threat, your card might be made temporarily unusable.
If neither of the reasons above afflicted your card, think about the places you’ve used your card recently. If you’ve paid for a hotel stay or a rental car with your card, either of those businesses could be the culprit. Hotels and rental car companies frequently issue “holds” on a customer’s credit card when the imprint of the card is initially taken. This is to ensure that the customer will have enough available credit to pay for the car rental or hotel room when the final charges are placed. So, if you’ve recently stayed in a hotel or rented a car, call your credit card company and see if a lingering hold is what afflicting your payment using credit card.
What should I do if my credit/debit card is double-charged?
Can I pay my order using credit card that is not issued using my name?
How does Bengalsouk prevent fraud involving card ?
Can I use Credit/ Debit Card or Online Banking to pay on Bengalsouk through the Bengalsouk app?
Can I combine the balance on my Bengalsouk Gift Cards with other payment methods?
How do I pay using a credit or debit card?
How does the 3D Secure password add security to my online transactions?
What is a 3D Secure password?